Lawn Care

(8 Applications per year)

1. Early spring: Pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control with fertilization. This application helps prevent crab grass, controls weed populations, and promotes a strong root system. Fescue turf receives the same treatment, but includes nitrogen fertilizer.

2. Spring: Pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control with fertilization. This application helps prolong crab grass prevention, controls troublesome spring weeds and provides much needed nutrients for the approaching summer. Fescue turf receives corresponding treatment.

3. Early summer: High nitrogen fertilization with pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control. This application will provide the nutrients your lawn needs to maintain a lush green appearance throughout the summer and help control troublesome summer weeds. Fescue receives a blanket application of chelated iron with weed control.

4. Summer: Balanced time released fertilizer with pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control. This application will help control weeds, protect your lawn against summer heat and prolong a healthy green color for your lawn. Fescue will receive an application of a calcium based supplement to help correct PH levels in the soil. This prepares the soil for aeration and seeding.

5. Late summer: Fertilization and weed control. This application will help control weeds and prolong the health and color of your lawn. Fescue receives weed control for summer weeds.

6. Early fall: Fall pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control with root fertilization. This application will provide a barrier against troublesome winter weeds and will help develop a strong root system. Fescue turf receives a treatment for weeds to prepare the turf for fall and aeration.

7. Late fall: Winterizing your lawn. This application of pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control with potassium will winterize your lawn and provide a barrier against winters version of crab grass. Poa Annua (annual Bluegrass). Fescue turf receives an application of balanced time released fertilizer.

8. Winter: Calcium supplement with post emergent weed control. This application will help control weeds and raise the PH and lower acidity to improve soil composition for the next growing season. Fescue receives a high nitrogen fertilizer to promote color, growth and a healthy root system.