Fungicides & Insecticides


It’s always best to work towards preventing fungus and diseases before they start. We offer preventative and curative treatment timed precisely tailored specifically for your lawn, trees, and shrubs. Brown Patch, Zoysia Patch, and Dollar Spot are among the most common diseases that can ultimately destroy your lawn. Our Fungicide Program treats all fungi within all lawn types to keep these unsightly problems at bay.


Armyworms, Grubs, Fleas and Ticks can be lurking in your lawn and unfortunately, once you see them, it’s too late! Armyworms are caterpillar-like worms that rapidly create brown patches and can destroy your lawn in a matter of days. If you suddenly have a flock of birds feasting on your grass, it’s a sign you could have an infestation. Grubs damage your lawn quickly and have a high percentage rate of coming back each year if left untreated.

Fleas and Ticks have the potential to wreak havoc on your health as well as cause major sickness and disease for years to come. Protect your family and pets!

Our service includes two preventative applications in the summer. Each application has a sixty day residual effect. The first treatment will help prevent armyworms, fleas and ticks. The second application targets grubs, fleas and ticks. Both treatments can be applied to all lawn types and have little impact on beneficial insects such as earthworms.